Click here to go to the ARMR website.

  1. Enter your email address to Subscribe to the ARMR email list to receive news to keep you up to date.
  2. You can download the wallet for the ARMR coins from here too, but if you do not yet have any ARMR coins, I would wait to download the wallet.
  3. Click here to join our Telegram channel; another way to keep up to date with coin activities.

Once you have coins in your wallet on your computer, in addition to earning from buying and selling the ARMR coins, you can also earn from Staking the coins in your wallet.



At the moment, you can only purchase and trade the ARMR coin on the P2PB2B Exchange. CLICK HERE to create an account at P2PB2B.

As with many of the cryptocurrency exchange sites, it is highly recommended that you activate 2 Factor Authentication. Many of the sites use Google Authenticator, an app that can be installed on your cell phone.